Friday, November 5, 2010


1. Micro water is Alkaline, Oxygen-rich, Bacteria free, Micro-Clustered.
This makes it an excellent aid for detox. It provides oxygen ions and ionized alkaline minerals to the cells, dissolving excess fatty acids, cholesterol and crystalline uric acids.
Being micro-clustered it is able to hydrate the body much more. You do not get the bloated feeling as you'd get from drinking a few glasses of ordinary water. This is because the smaller micro-clusters pass more easily and swiftly into the cells and tissues to hydrate, alkalize, mineralize and detoxify the body.

2. It Flushes out body acids!
Doctors advise taking alkaline minerals to oxygenate cells, neutralize body acids, and restore pH balance. Fresh fruits and veggies are alkaline, but fertilizers and pesticides may make these sources unsafe. Choose organic fruits and vegetable and drink plenty of water, preferably pure alkaline water.
3. It is the cheapest for alkaline minerals, and far better than bottled, mineral and even filtered water.
You don't need to take mineral supplements or anti-oxidants as micro water will supply you these. (Note: This is unless your tap water is soft, and contains no minerals. This water will not ionize sufficiently, so the water coming out of the unit will be the same pH as when it went in! )
Micro water is the best water you can drink. In the long run it works out much cheaper then bottled water and is far better for you. You will also save money on mineral supplements and anti-oxidant supplements!
Tap Water
All public-utility water these days is severely contaminated with toxic metals and other pollutants, as well as chemical poisons like chlorine deliberately added to kill germs. If you drink such water long enough, it may kill you too.
Some water authorities even add fluoride (used by the Nazi's in their concentration camps to make the inmates docile, obedient), allegedly to stop tooth decay!
Tap water can contain any of over 1,000 toxic contaminants, including lead, aluminum, mercury, cadmium, asbestos, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyl, nitrates, pesticides and radon.
Chlorine accumulates in your system and can cause, for example, heart and circulatory problems. Chlorinated water kill the friendly floral bacteria such as acidophilus and bifodus in your digestive track.
Long term ingestion of such contaminated water is very bad for your health, and you should strictly avoid it.
Bottled and Mineral Water
Bottled or mineral water is not necessarily the answer. Pure, distilled or reverse osmosis produced bottled water is actually harmful for our body because it causes the leaching of minerals from our body.
Mineral water is better in that sense, but many studies have shown that many mineral water bottles contain more contaminants then tap water! Also, as it's kept in plastic bottles for long periods, some of the harmful, carcinogenic substances in plastic get into the water.
Micro water is by far the best water you can drink, followed by natural spring water, followed by Activated Charcoal filtered water. Filtering water does not remove fluoride, and neither does it alkalize or micro-cluster the water as the water ionizer does. Unfortunately, a water ionizer does not remove fluoride either - apparently because it’s a base, and does not electrolyze.
These are some comments from people that have used micro water:
"After only eight weeks of drinking freshly ionized alkaline water from my Water lionizer, my blood pressure stabilized at 120/80 so that I stopped taking my hypertension control pills altogether. I don't suffer from gout attacks anymore. I also lost 12 pounds and reduced my waistline by 3 inches. in addition, I also have a lot of energy-- all without diet or exercise."
Atty. Ben, Chairman, TACK International.
"At long last, my blood sugar which shot up to 400 mg/dl is now down to normal level. I used to take three insulin shots daily, I seldom do now. Thanks to my Water lionizer, even my BP is now stable! I drink 8 to 12 glasses of ionized alkaline water every day."
Ben Francisco, Automotive Executive.
These and other reported benefits come from drinking water come from mist ability to detoxify the body. You would get the same benefits if you drank pure mountain spring water.
4. Helps get rid of hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, asthma, allergies, and other adult degenerative diseases
Why these familiar ailments are called 'degenerative' or 'adult' diseases?
Because they are usually acquired with age. When people are born, their bodies are predominantly alkaline. During the normal process of growth, however, through eating habits and every day activities, the human body acquires and stores excess acid wastes that may build up to alarming levels and begin to destroy body tissues and organs. This is in fact the cause of most adult diseases, such as asthma, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and cancer, and is the reason why people age, as medical scientists all over the world are finding out.
In fact, most people have acidic bodies due to accumulated acidic wastes from food, drinks, lack of rest, stress or pollution not completely disposed of by our system. These acid wastes deplete their bodies of much needed oxygen and create an environment conducive to the growth of diseases.
5. Overall, ionized Alkaline Water improves the immune system and body resistance to diseases.
6. Ionized Acid Water
A water ionizer by-product, ionized acidic water, is used externally for:
  • Making hair shinier and skin smoother tighter
  • Serving as perfect astringent and toner for dry skin
  • Healing cuts, blisters, moist eczema, and many other skin problems
Water ionizers, incidentally, are approved as 'medical instruments' by the Korean and Japanese Ministries of Health and Welfare. However, no such claim is made outside of these areas.

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