Friday, November 5, 2010

Is your water source clean? Think again…

1)    Rain water is acidic and is used to start up a car battery!
2)    Process of collection is unsafe: Roof with rust and lead, water tank with pollutants etc. etc.
3)    Rain in the city is very polluted and dirty, with pitik-pitik (mosquito babies)

II. Deepwell or Shallowell?
1)    Heavy mineral contents, fine sand, rust, mud, flakes, contaminants, toxic substances
2)    Steel pipelines and pumps have rust and lead contents
3)    In the city very polluted and septic tanks are less than 50 meters away

III. Water District Source
1)    Heavy chlorination that causes heart problems and cancer.
2)    Old, rusty, busted pipe lines (pre-war) and asbestos pipe fibers
3)    Pipe leaks – water contaminated and solid toxins may cause kidney problems

IV. Bottled Water
1)    1 gallon a day/ household = 50 x 30 = 1,500/mox 12 = 18,000/yr.
2)    Plastic containers are non-biodegradable and becomes toxic after several usage.
3)    Filipino Ingenuity: Tap water + bottle cap sealers = bottled water = profit
4)    Price war, inflation, high maintenance cost – poor processing maintenance?
5)    Inconvenient/ late deliveries/space consuming

V. Refilling Stations
1)    Inconvenient/time delay/space consuming
2)    Expensive and maintenance is poor due to price war
3)    Your containers on transport accumulates bacteria and fungi
4)    Water becomes acidic with no beneficial minerals and flouride.
5)    Confidence is in seeing the process yourself.

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